Added simple support for \n and \r on the HD44780 driver, increased the synthesised mem to fit brainfuck_compiled.asm and made it the default.
2023-11-12 21:39:27 +00:00 |
Reduced numbers to be sorted in gnome_sort.asm to fit in lcd, fixed hlt on real hardware, slowed down cpu, increased lcd fifo and with that I almost got gnome_sort.asm working perfectly on real hardware
2023-11-12 07:31:05 +00:00 |
The CPU works on real hardware for the first time! I added an adjustment for ram size, added control for a led and a test program for it. On the fpga board there is an actual led there that I used to verify functionality
2023-11-06 08:13:36 +00:00 |
Removed all instances of inout since from what i understand it's mostly synthesisable
2023-11-02 21:48:12 +00:00 |
Added support to the build system for synthesising, place and routing, serialising and uploading the design to a Lattice ECP5 OrangeCrab FPGA
2023-11-02 00:29:14 +00:00 |
Fixed a memory corruption bug
2023-05-10 08:35:14 +01:00 |
Cleaned up some pieces of code and fixed a bug
2023-05-04 00:49:04 +01:00 |
Added the OUT instruction to be able to properly address I/O and moved printing logic to a device on the I/O space. Also added IRET which is basically just a RET in this case
2023-03-09 06:03:13 +00:00 |
Added support for Verilator!
2023-03-04 08:37:43 +00:00 |
Overhauled cpu frontend. Made memory byte addressable (necessary), cleaned up state machine and fixed small bug with MOV
2023-03-03 06:29:06 +00:00 |
Increased the accessible memory and got the Mandelbrot renderer working under the brainfuck compiler!
2023-02-24 17:38:23 +00:00 |
Fixed register addressing bug, mem read endianness, cleaned up code and added a provisional project logo
2023-02-19 00:20:53 +00:00 |
Improved build system and project directory structure
2023-02-16 01:52:02 +00:00 |