166 lines
6.8 KiB
166 lines
6.8 KiB
# ______ #
# / _____) #
# ( (____ ____ _____ ____ ___ _____ ____ _ _ _____ ____ #
# \____ \ | _ \ (____ || _ \ /___)| ___ | / ___)| | | || ___ | / ___) #
# _____) )| | | |/ ___ || |_| ||___ || ____|| | \ V / | ____|| | #
# (______/ |_| |_|\_____|| __/ (___/ |_____)|_| \_/ |_____)|_| #
# |_| #
# #
# Snapserver config file #
# #
# default values are commented
# uncomment and edit to change them
# Settings can be overwritten on command line with:
# "--<section>.<name>=<value>", e.g. --server.threads=4
# General server settings #####################################################
# Number of additional worker threads to use
# - For values < 0 the number of threads will be 2 (on single and dual cores)
# or 4 (for quad and more cores)
# - 0 will utilize just the processes main thread and might cause audio drops
# in case there are a couple of longer running tasks, such as encoding
# multiple audio streams
#threads = -1
# the pid file when running as daemon
#pidfile = /var/run/snapserver/pid
# the user to run as when daemonized
#user = snapserver
# the group to run as when daemonized
#group = snapserver
# directory where persistent data is stored (server.json)
# if empty, data dir will be
# - "/var/lib/snapserver/" when running as daemon
# - "$HOME/.config/snapserver/" when not running as daemon
#datadir =
# HTTP RPC ####################################################################
# enable HTTP Json RPC (HTTP POST and websockets)
#enabled = true
# address to listen on, can be specified multiple times
# use "" to bind to any IPv4 address or :: to bind to any IPv6 address
# or "" or "::1" to bind to localhost IPv4 or IPv6, respectively
# use the address of a specific network interface to just listen to and accept
# connections from that interface
#bind_to_address =
# which port the server should listen to
#port = 1780
# serve a website from the doc_root location
# disabled if commented or empty
doc_root = /usr/share/snapserver/snapweb
# TCP RPC #####################################################################
# enable TCP Json RPC
#enabled = true
# address to listen on, can be specified multiple times
# use "" to bind to any IPv4 address or :: to bind to any IPv6 address
# or "" or "::1" to bind to localhost IPv4 or IPv6, respectively
# use the address of a specific network interface to just listen to and accept
# connections from that interface
#bind_to_address =
# which port the server should listen to
#port = 1705
# Stream settings #############################################################
# address to listen on, can be specified multiple times
# use "" to bind to any IPv4 address or :: to bind to any IPv6 address
# or "" or "::1" to bind to localhost IPv4 or IPv6, respectively
# use the address of a specific network interface to just listen to and accept
# connections from that interface
#bind_to_address =
# which port the server should listen to
#port = 1704
# source URI of the PCM input stream, can be configured multiple times
# The following notation is used in this paragraph:
# <angle brackets>: the whole expression must be replaced with your specific setting
# [square brackets]: the whole expression is optional and can be left out
# [key=value]: if you leave this option out, "value" will be the default for "key"
# Format: TYPE://host/path?name=<name>[&codec=<codec>][&sampleformat=<sampleformat>][&chunk_ms=<chunk ms>]
# parameters have the form "key=value", they are concatenated with an "&" character
# parameter "name" is mandatory for all sources, while codec, sampleformat and chunk_ms are optional
# and will override the default codec, sampleformat or chunk_ms settings
# Non blocking sources support the dryout_ms parameter: when no new data is read from the source, send silence to the clients
# Available types are:
# pipe: pipe:///<path/to/pipe>?name=<name>[&mode=create][&dryout_ms=2000], mode can be "create" or "read"
# librespot: librespot:///<path/to/librespot>?name=<name>[&dryout_ms=2000][&username=<my username>&password=<my password>][&devicename=Snapcast][&bitrate=320][&wd_timeout=7800][&volume=100][&onevent=""][&nomalize=false][&autoplay=false][¶ms=<generic librepsot process arguments>]
# note that you need to have the librespot binary on your machine
# sampleformat will be set to "44100:16:2"
# file: file:///<path/to/PCM/file>?name=<name>
# process: process:///<path/to/process>?name=<name>[&dryout_ms=2000][&wd_timeout=0][&log_stderr=false][¶ms=<process arguments>]
# airplay: airplay:///<path/to/airplay>?name=<name>[&dryout_ms=2000][&port=5000]
# note that you need to have the airplay binary on your machine
# sampleformat will be set to "44100:16:2"
# tcp server: tcp://<listen IP, e.g.>:<port>?name=<name>[&mode=server]
# tcp client: tcp://<server IP, e.g.>:<port>?name=<name>&mode=client
# alsa: alsa://?name=<name>&device=<alsa device>[&send_silence=false][&idle_threshold=100]
# meta: meta:///<name of source#1>/<name of source#2>/.../<name of source#N>?name=<name>
source = pipe:///tmp/snapfifo?name=default
#source = tcp://
# Default sample format
#sampleformat = 48000:16:2
# Default transport codec
# (flac|ogg|opus|pcm)[:options]
# Type codec:? to get codec specific options
#codec = flac
# Default source stream read chunk size [ms]
#chunk_ms = 20
# Buffer [ms]
#buffer = 1000
# Send audio to muted clients
#send_to_muted = false
# Logging options #############################################################
# log sink [null,system,stdout,stderr,file:<filename>]
# when left empty: if running as daemon "system" else "stdout"
#sink =
# log filter <tag>:<level>[,<tag>:<level>]*
# with tag = * or <log tag> and level = [trace,debug,info,notice,warning,error,fatal]
#filter = *:info