/* system.v - A basic test system with memory and IO for the 9086 CPU This file is part of the 9086 project. Copyright (c) 2023 Efthymios Kritikos This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ `timescale 1ns/1ps `include "error_header.v" `include "config.v" module system ( input clock,input reset, output [19:0]address_bus, inout [15:0]data_bus,output BHE, output rd, output wr, output IOMEM, output HALT, output [`ERROR_BITS-1:0] ERROR); `ifdef CALCULATE_IPC wire new_instruction; `endif `ifdef OTUPUT_JSON_STATISTICS wire unsigned [`L1_CACHE_SIZE-1:0] L1_SIZE_STAT; wire VALID_INSTRUCTION_STAT,jump_req; `endif processor p( /* MISC */ clock,reset,HALT,ERROR /* MEMORY / IO */ ,address_bus,data_bus,rd,wr,BHE,IOMEM `ifdef CALCULATE_IPC /* STATISTICS */ ,new_instruction `endif `ifdef OTUPUT_JSON_STATISTICS /* */ ,L1_SIZE_STAT, VALID_INSTRUCTION_STAT, jump_req `endif ); doublemem sysmem(address_bus,data_bus,rd,wr,BHE,IOMEM); `ifdef OTUPUT_JSON_STATISTICS string stats_name; integer json_file_descriptor; `endif string waveform_name; initial begin if($value$plusargs("WAVEFORM=%s",waveform_name))begin $dumpfile(waveform_name); $dumpvars(0,p); end `ifdef OTUPUT_JSON_STATISTICS if($value$plusargs("STATS=%s",stats_name))begin json_file_descriptor=$fopen(stats_name,"w"); $fdisplay(json_file_descriptor,"{\n\"L1_size\":%0d,\n\"Cycles\":[",$rtoi($pow(2,`L1_CACHE_SIZE))); first_json_cycle = 1; end else json_file_descriptor=0; `endif sane=0; end //integer killswitch=0; //always @(posedge clock) begin // killswitch <= killswitch +1; // if( killswitch == 20000 )begin // if($value$plusargs("MEMDUMP=%s",memdump_name))begin // $writememh(memdump_name, system.sysmem.memory,0,32767); // end // $finish; // end //end `ifdef OTUPUT_JSON_STATISTICS reg first_json_cycle; always @(negedge clock)begin if(finish < 2 && json_file_descriptor!=0)begin $fdisplay(json_file_descriptor,"%s{\"C\":%0d,\"L1\":%0d,\"VDI\":%0d,\"JMP\":%0d}",first_json_cycle?"":",",cycles,L1_SIZE_STAT,VALID_INSTRUCTION_STAT,jump_req); first_json_cycle <= 0; end end `endif always @(negedge wr) begin if(IOMEM==1'b1 && address_bus[7:0]==8'hA5 ) $write("%s" ,data_bus[15:8]); end `ifdef CALCULATE_IPC reg [128:0] instruction_count; always @(new_instruction) begin instruction_count<=instruction_count+1; end `endif reg [1:0] finish; string memdump_name; always @(posedge HALT) begin if($value$plusargs("MEMDUMP=%s",memdump_name))begin $writememh(memdump_name, sysmem.memory,0,32767); end finish<=2'd1; end `ifdef OTUPUT_JSON_STATISTICS reg [128:0] instruction_count_temp; `endif always @(posedge clock) begin /* Allow some clock cycles for the waveform*/ case(finish) 2'd0: begin end 2'd1: begin finish <= 2; /* instruction_count gets updated at the sme time as HALT is pulled so wait a clock cycle to get an accurate reading*/ $display("\x1b[7mProcessor halted.\nCycles run for : %0d\x1b[m",cycles); `ifdef CALCULATE_IPC /* verilator lint_off REALCVT */ $display("\x1b[7mInstr. per cycle : %f\x1b[m", $itor(instruction_count) / $itor(cycles) ); /* verilator lint_on REALCVT */ `endif `ifdef OTUPUT_JSON_STATISTICS instruction_count_temp <= instruction_count; `endif end 2'd2: begin finish <= 3; `ifdef OTUPUT_JSON_STATISTICS if(json_file_descriptor!=0) $fdisplay(json_file_descriptor,"],\n\"Total Cycles\":%0d,\n\"Instructions run\":%0d\n}",cycles-1,instruction_count_temp); `endif end 2'd3: $finish; endcase end always @(posedge reset)begin sane<=1; end reg sane; always @( ERROR ) begin if ( ERROR != `ERR_NO_ERROR && sane == 1 ) begin $display("PROCESSOR RUN INTO AN ERROR."); case (ERROR) default:begin end `ERR_UNIMPL_INSTRUCTION:begin $display("Unimplemented instruction"); end `ERR_UNIMPL_ADDRESSING_MODE: begin $display("Unimplemented addressing mode"); end endcase $display("Cycles run for: %0d",cycles-1); if($value$plusargs("MEMDUMP=%s",memdump_name))begin $writememh(memdump_name, system.sysmem.memory,0,32767); end finish<=2'd1; end end reg [128:0] cycles; always @(negedge clock)begin if(reset==1) cycles<=cycles+1; else begin cycles<=0; `ifdef OTUPUT_JSON_STATISTICS instruction_count <= 0; `endif end end endmodule